Wednesday, August 23, 2006


The cast has another holiday, we decided to postpone filming and spend time editing the episodes for the network. I can't believe that we premire the show in a few weeks. I need to make a desicion about the airing schedule, the network has offered us slots for twice a month, that would mean that the storylines would move faster and we can keep the audience's attention-but that also means the budget must increase since our seasons would then feature 20 episodes instead of 10, which means 10 more paychecks for each cast member...or...mmm, perhaps the season's can still host 10 episodes, but then there are two seasons a year instead of one. I will make a desicion soon, hopefully by next week before I fly out for the big production meeting.

My furniture has yet to arrive, so I'm sleeping on a bed that I do not love and eating off plates that I hate...ugh, I really need to look into hiring a PA to live here and cook and clean and do all my dirty work.

It's been hard getting hoods to adopt the cast that plays Lani, Meka and Randy-hopefully once the show starts then hoods will be interested. Well, I'm off to get my hair done!


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