Saturday, May 17, 2008

Pahala Shore

Filming is going well, we are doing another intense filming session. We added to the cast-Lucy Bright, a contestant on "Make Me A Model" and Gloria Fardage. Right now thier roles are still small, but there are plans to make thier storylines larger.

We are also losing a cast member permenantly and another one-for an extended time period. I won't say which is which, since sometimes there is room for them to come back and other times thier future storylines die (or get extended).

The series is changing slightly, I'm not sure how to describe it, but the episodes formats are different. Scene changes are not as arupt, characters are developing more and with the smaller cast, we can show more details in a story instead of just telling them in order to move things along. I admit, it is hard not to jump ahead, especially when we have storylines streaching to 2011 and threatening to go beyond that. So at least there will be a soap for the long as they are willing to work and I am willing to keep them :)

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