Tuesday, August 21, 2007


A complete episode of Pahala Shore has been filmed, it's going to the editing room soon. We had to film around a few cast members due to the Vanderburg-Garris wedding.

The finale of Adventures needs to be edited and shipped-I've decided to persue the Adventures mini-series for another year-so next summer (2008) audiences can expect to see another mini-series. That mini-series will be five episodes only. We'll see if we keep the same cast or storyline.

The Gloria Show is going well, have a few episodes in the pipeline that need some work.

A.Pentragnani needs a lot of work-restructing actually. The online store isn't very user friendly-we're in the process of moving to another server and more user friendly site.

Thank goodness for my assistant-even if he is a lazy bum-otherwise I don't know how I'd keep track of all my projects. Where is that badger anyway?

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