Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Holiday Over

My holiday is over, but the cast is still on semi-vacation, they took the beach publicity photo the other day, but now there is more work for me. While lazing in Italy I realized that we were moving some storylines along too fast, so I went through the schedule and deleted and cut scenes and expanded others. So most of the cast will end up staying aboard a little longer than anticipated-which I'm sure they won't mind. One of Nailah's big storyline will end this season, Missy's storyline has been extended and the writers are brainstorming about Sierra's storylines and the possible interconnectiveness of Donna's storyline. Thankfully the first episode is set in stone. Well, I can't complain, though the writers change thier minds, the creative process is the same and it has been resulting in great work and ideas-so as long as they have the first three episodes set in stone today so we can continue filming, then things will be well. Thankfully we won't have to reshoot any scenes, but probably film some additional scenes.

I've been viewing the reruns of the original Pahala Shore and comparing the technical and artisitic merit to other soaps (Arrendale Heights and Suburb Sim), some of the scenes were poorly filmed, so that will naturally change. Thankfully the set is a lot better and planned out, there will be some minor changes to a few sets (Erika's office, Lani's diner, the classroom).

I'm going to commission the building of The "?" Show set. I'll start narrowing down my list of possible hosts this week and start contacting the possible hosts. I was able to take one sim off the list-not due to thier lack of ability, but I was able to use them more heavily in Pahala Shore than I anticipated-which is good. Now I have two, possibly three, sims on the list. However I need to find out if they are entertaining other long term projects.

I need to stop looking through my brother's old files. I found the tapes for SimBachelor and considered reviving the show-with a few minor changes of course. I wonder how complex that would be. Well, I'll put it on my list for next year. Perhaps we'll try a season of the reality series...hmmm...I wonder if I can produce a reality design competition?


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