Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Season Two (Four) Starting

We are releasing the 7th episode this week, then the writers need to edit the season finale and ship them to the network and we will be complete with this season! Then we will start filming a bit over the holidays, I'm sure the cast won't mind since they'll be trading in dreary weather for sunny Bottom Beach. The first two episodes are pretty much filmed from this current season's work, but we need to film a few scenes with Montana and Ruth and Jasmine as well as some scenes with Alexis and Josie in order to complete them.

I looked at the sorority house and pretty much decided that I hate it. The crew is tearing it down right now. The wardrobe staff is working overtime to create the sorority tee shirts that are required for the first scene and now the crew has a new plans (based off sorority houses on the coast and other islands) and they will be building that-I expect it to be finished in a few simdays in time for filming of the sorority house scenes. Also we've been thinking about moving some of the women into the dorms, or another beach house. Based off this season's finale, we have the opportunity to move one set of the characters since we're using 3rd party contractors for that set and for another set location. In fact, I hate the other set as well...perhaps we should start a fire in the complex forcing the residents to move....hmmmm, perhaps we'll just simply move the characters to a new place and not address it in the story. I mean, if we make minor changes to make filming more conducive (larger rooms, better lighting, etc) the audience may not notice that much. Oh well, the crew is busy enough with rebuilding the sorority house and the boardwalk for this season and we might have to build the off set locale that we were scouting for earlier. Using public places produces all sorts of problems from walk-on and extras, but on-set locations are just as hard, we have to fly in extras to be used for the scenes. Grrr, I hate hiring new cast members, especially if they're just fillers!


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