MMAM finally aired the episode with the A.Pentragnani wedding gowns-I must say, the models left have a lot of talent. I can't say too much more about what I think about them due to copyright issues with the show :
I'm determined to crank out an episode of Adventures. I have one taped, but there is still the issue of will I film the prequel first...hmm, probably not, now it's coming down to the wire and I need to have something on the airwaves or else the advertisers won't give up thier dollars.
The Gloria Show is in need of another episode as well, the crew has contacted several sims, but we only have partial committments for some and for others we need thier flights so we can begin filming. Perhaps we'll just do a random celebrity interview...hmmm, I'll send out some feelers.
Pennelson Publishing will have a book out by July, we're waiting on another submission and we're still working with the Grey estate to purchase her memoirs that she wrote before her death.
To Do List:
Adventures-get the editing crew to finish the first episode so we can ship it to the network-ASAP!!!
-film more episodes
Pahala Shore-finalize scripts
-get wardrobe
-build sets
-start filming for August
A.Pentragnani-finish Tatiana Garris's gown for August
-start the new underwear line
-photo shoot for underwear line-September
-start outerwear line for winter
-photo shoot for outerwear line-October
The Gloria Show-contact a celebrity for interview for July episode
-resend contacts for the other planned episodes July/August
Pennelson Publishing-publish the new book for July
-get online verison of book ready
-create book objects for past publications for August